
Lexicanum wasteland 2
Lexicanum wasteland 2


Right now my party consists of:Īriana Dubois - My Silver Tongue. I never really thought to give any of my characters that skill. "I don't agree with him! He must be bad at the game!" Originally posted by DeathMarch:weaponsmithing is my best money maker I get 4 skill points per level I had tons left over after I got AR 10/10, you must have put to many point in animal whipser or some usless sht


The barrel mods offer a bit of variety you can take a large bonus in +hit%, or a small bonus to +crit%, if you don't want the range bonus of a long barrel and the smaller chance to +hit% (compared to the flash suppressor). Those people leaving AZ with several thousand scrap, everybody with tactical vests, M-16s / bullpup / M-24, plenty of ammo, etc? That's probably from bankrupting Melson. You can even make a profit without entering the World Map if you choose - buy TNT outside the citadel, break it down, sell it to Melson even with lousy rolls you'll easily profit 20 scrap per TNT, and you can make closer to 80 scrap easily. You can completely bankrupt Melson, for instance, with weaponsmithing. Oh, and yes, it's good for giving ridiculous amounts of scrap. The weight mods are more interesting, since some will increase your crit chance while *reducing* your chance to hit making it less obvious. Yup, grip mods on melee weapons are big, especially with the 3 AP weapons since you get a +33% increase in damage/AP use. Stick those on a M-24 (again available in AZ) and you can shoot something from 40+m to start a fight - big edge compared to letting the enemy start the fight. even in AZ, you can easily tack on a long barrel and a high-powered scope for a neat bonus in range. You can take something like the Lariat, which normally needs to be reloaded after every shot, and bring its capacity to five shots - a huge gain in efficiency.

lexicanum wasteland 2


If I manage to get a flash suppressor and swap it the long barrel, I lose 6m of range but gain an additional +6% to hit for 138%, making it pretty feasible even to shoot enemies in full cover. I've barely explored around the starting location in CA, and I've got one), that adds +15% to hit. Get a laser sight (harder to get in AZ, but. A high-powered scope and a long barrel (both easily available in AZ) gain you +13m max range, +5m optimal range, +6% to hit. nor has she yet maxed out her assault rifle skill, even. My best fighter has a hit percentage of 122% with an AK-47, and we've just arrived in California so I'm not exactly talking endgame mods.

lexicanum wasteland 2

It's not a minor edge, it's a *major* edge.

Lexicanum wasteland 2