Santos and Cayetano said that they were Aztec priests and had come specifically to relieve the people of Yerbabuen from want. It is not surprising that when the peasants saw the Hernandez brothers dressed in specially prepared costumes, and also listened to their speeches, they believed in all the stories. They took the products to the nearest town, to the market. All its inhabitants, as one, were engaged in growing corn and beans.

It was a small village of Yerbabuena, where there was no police, no school, not even a church. The brothers were always short of money, and they dreamed of finding a place where they could "shear sheep" for a long time, productively and safely. They appeared in some town or village, pulled off one or two small scams and immediately disappeared. These persons were well known to the police, so the crooks could not turn around. It all started with the fact that two brothers, Santos and Cayetano Hernandez, in the very early 1960s traveled around the northwest of Mexico and engaged in fraud. The events that took place around Solis and her friends cost many people their lives. Unfortunately, this story is not at all funny, as it may seem. But this did not prevent them from organizing a totalitarian sect and pushing around an entire village. Magdalena Solis was a prostitute and fortune teller, and her two accomplices were petty criminals. It is enough to skillfully use superstition and fear. You don't need an outstanding intellect or strength to bend people to your will.